
Landmark trials in Europe on Syria

11.11.2020, 18:00 Uhr
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS)

In recent years and even months, there have been tangible steps taken toward criminal accountability on Syria, particularly in Europe. While still mere drops in the bucket, the maturity of international mechanisms, the clear political will of some European states to pursue justice, and the persistent engagement of displaced Syrians in Europe have resulted in some hope that the crimes committed in Syria will not go unaccounted for.

We will discuss the opportunities and challenges that these trials provide with persons directly involved in them and the medium to long-term implications for justice shall be examined.


  • Patrick Kroker, Lawyer, International Crimes and Accountability, ECCHR
  • Yusef Wehbe, Program Head International Law Support Unit, Syrian Legal Development Programme
  • Haneen Al Naqry, Researcher, Syrian Archive


  • Nasser Yassin, Associate Professor, American University of Beirut

The digital event will be held in Arabic and English. Join on Zoom (with full translation) or FB Live.


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