19.10.2011, Berlin

Palestine at the United Nations

19.10.2011, 00:00 Uhr

Raji Sourani is Gaza’s foremost human rights lawyer, and the founder and director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR). Sourani advocates strict adherence to international standards for the Israeli government and the Palestinian authorities and is an outspoken critic of human rights violations committed by both sides. Since its establishment in 1995, PCHR has become the best-known human rights organization in the Gaza Strip, serving as an independent legal body that documents and investigates human rights abuses and provides legal aid and counseling to victims.

Raji Sourani is Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Award for Human Rights Laureate. Sourani was twice named an Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience in the 1980s when he was held in detention and mistreated by Israel. He was also detained by the Palestinian Authority in 1995, following statements critical of their establishment of a state security court.

ECCHR presents the colloquium about the most recent developments concerning Palestine at the United Nations and the implications for future legal strategies. The Colloquium will be introduced by Program Manager Andreas Schueller and moderated by Chantal Meloni (PhD, Von Humboldt Fellow in International Criminal Law, HU Berlin and member of the international legal unit of PCHR).

The visit of Raji Sourani to Germany is facilitated and sponsored by Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin.


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