03.12.2013, Genf

Wie Unternehmen für die Verletzung ihrer menschenrechtlichen Sorgfaltspflichten zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können. Erfahrungen transnationaler Prozessführung

03.12.2013, 00:00 Uhr

The UN Guiding Principles expect business enterprises to exercise human rights due diligence. Even though the guiding principles themselves are not legally binding, neglect of this corporate responsibility often constitutes a breach of national law. Based on a wide experience in home and host state litigation, the speakers will outline how companies involved in human rights abuses can be made liable under national law and where there are still major challenges in this area. A closer look at concrete cases will help to understand the specific challenges in transnational litigation and demonstrate the impact of such litigation for victims and their communities.


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