Magnum Foundation Event Magnum Foundation Event

04.11.2019, Berlin

State Business von Mari Bastashevski

04.11.2019, 19:00 Uhr
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Aufgang D), 10961 Berlin

On the occasion of the launch of ECCHR's collaboration with Magnum Foundation from New York (USA), we are delighted present our joint photo exhibition. The exhibition showcases artworks by Mari Bastashevski, selected from her art research project State Business.

Bastashevski combines media and social theories with investigative research in order to explore the relationship between the state, companies, and media which not only sustains crises as the status quo but produces new territories of sovereignty, aggressive mutation of warfare and forms of paranoia for the algorithmic age.

Both Magnum Foundation and ECCHR use art's emotive power to tell stories and develop broader narratives about human rights violations and global injustice. The cooperation with Magnum Foundation complements ECCHR's legal work against human rights violations worldwide.

The exhibition will be shown until 1 December 2019. For more information please contact


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