Ausstellungseröffnung "My Fascist Grandpa" von Laura Fiorio © Foto: Laura Fiorio Ausstellungseröffnung "My Fascist Grandpa" von Laura Fiorio © Foto: Laura Fiorio

25 May 2023, Berlin

Laura Fiorio: My Fascist Grandpa

25 May 2023, 5:00 pm
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin


In the project My Fascist Grandpa, Italian artist and photographer Laura Fiorio — whose work accompanies the ECCHR 2022 Annual Report—focuses on Italy’s fascist and colonial history through the lens of shared family histories.
Based on photos from private archives, her project aims to transfer individual stories and memories — often forgotten or taboo — out of the private realm and into public space to provoke critical reflection. To this end, she gathered photographs, mementos and letters and then projected them onto the facades of fascist buildings. These collagelike interventions work to defamiliarize the archival material and to uncover the difficult heritage hidden behind modernist architecture.


Archive (253)