15 September 2022

War crimes in the Ukrainian war: Possibilities for prosecution

15 September 2022, 6:30 pm

The war of aggression in Ukraine, which began on 24 February 2022, has caused immeasurable suffering. According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the war has cost over 5,000 civilian lives until 1 August. Yet, this is only the number that the UN was able to verify. The actual toll in dead and injured people is estimated to be much higher. 

The Russian armed forces are accused of bombing civilian objects like hospitals in their air strikes. After the withdrawal of the Russian army from the Kyiv area in April, numerous bodies were found. According to eye witnesses, these civilians were systematically killed – Russia denies this accusation. 

The Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll will talk about the accusation of the massacres and sexual violence against the civilian population with the two experts Andreas Schüller and Nadia Volkova. The two lawyers work in Berlin and Kyiv on the criminal responsibility of armed forces and are familiar with the issue of what classifies as a war crime. 

With them, we want to discuss the possibilities of international law and what it can contribute to the clarification and prosecution of war crimes in Ukraine. In Germany, investigations according to the principle of universal jurisdiction are already being carried out. How can they relate to the proceedings at the International Criminal Court? What is necessary to enable Ukraine to recondition the great number of crimes in fair and independent proceedings? Where are the limits of the international justice system? 

We invite you to ask questions and discuss with us. 


Nadia Volkova (director of the civil society organization Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group, ULAG)

Andreas Schüller (head of the International Crimes and Accountability program, ECCHR) 

Moderation: Carola Hausotter (director of studies, Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll)

The Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll kindly invites to the online-event in cooperation with ECCHR and ULAG. 

Event languages are German and English. There will be a simultaneous interpreter. The event is free of charge. We will send the event link to all registered persons on the days prior to the talk. 


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