22 September 2010, Geneva
Human Rights in Sri Lanka
22 September 2010, 12:00 am
Archive (253)
13 November 2024
Panel Discussion: Two years of the German Supply Chain Act
tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg
Prinzenstr 85F 10969 Berlin -
13 November 2024
Expert Discussion: Two years of the German Supply Chain Act
tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg
Prinzenstr 85F 10969 Berlin -
18 October 2024, Berlin
From Tripoli to Berlin
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS)
Straße der Pariser Kommune 8A, 10243 Berlin -
8 October 2024, Berlin
Book Launch “The Justice of Humans”
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
12 July 2024, Berlin
Filmscreening: Water for Life
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
12 June 2024, Bonn
Corporate Climate Litigation: a new frontier against carbon majors
World Conference Center
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2, 53113 Bonn -
4 June 2024, Berlin
15 years of official peace: Continuity of violence in Sri Lanka
30 May 2024, Berlin
fluid lines and broken fittings: How to reflect a democracy in crisis
Schinkel Pavillion
Oberwallstraße 32, 10117 Berlin -
16 May 2024
Accountability Efforts After 13 Years of Atrocities in Syria
6 March 2024, Berlin
Voices for Afrin: The Overlooked Atrocities in Syria
Maxim Gorki Theater
1 March 2024, Berlin
Migration and nation statehood: evening of dialogue
Kunsthaus Bethanien
31 January 2024, Madrid
Rueda de Prensa: De El Tarajal al Comité de la ONU contra la Tortura
22 January 2024, Bonn , Bochum , Berlin
No Contracts, No Rights: How the fashion industry avoids paying minimum wages to its employees.
20 January 2024, Berlin
Reparations and repair: On climate justice, colonialism and the Capitalocene
Akademie der Künste (AdK)
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin -
11 January 2024, Berlin
Minor Detail: A reading and discussion on literature and the limits of archival history – with Adania Shibli and Maaza Mengiste, moderated by Wolfgang Kaleck
Spore Initiative
Hermannstraße 86, 12051 Berlin-Neukölln -
3 December 2023, Berlin
Inherited Testimonies: The German Colonial Genocide in Namibia - Performances
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
11 October 2023, Berlin
Book Launch: Commentary on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Juristische Fakultät E25, Unter den Linden 9 -
12 September 2023, Berlin
Film screening: You call me my friend, you call it love, but I can't trust you
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
27 June 2023, Berlin
The Evolution of Reparations Principles into Contemporary Remedies
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
5 June 2023, Berlin
ECCHR auf der re:publica
25 May 2023, Berlin
Laura Fiorio: My Fascist Grandpa
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
15 May 2023, Berlin
Syrian state torture on trial
Lucy-Lameck-Straße 32, 12049 Berlin -
22 February 2023
End Double Standards in Pesticide Trade: Country examples of legislative efforts from Germany, India and Tunisia
9 February 2023, Berlin
Investigating Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
9 February 2023, Milan
Human rights and the arms industry: towards a corporate mandatory human rights due diligence
Università degli Studi di Milano
20 January 2023, Brussels
Four Years of Impunity After Dam Collapse in Brumadinho – Everyday Life in Brumadinho and Criminal Proceedings in Brazil and Germany
21 November 2022
Challenging child pushbacks from Croatia and Slovenia: Discussion on rights violations against minors on the Balkan route
17 November 2022, Berlin
Pre-screening Netflix-Film: The Gourougou Trial
Heimathafen Neukölln
Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin -
16 November 2022, Egypt
Climate Litigation against Corporations: Strategies, Demands and Lessons Learned
Climate Justice Hub
Sanafir / PACHA Hotel in Naama Bay at Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt -
5 November 2022
Conference: The German Colonial Genocide in Namibia
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
26 September 2022
A permanent state of emergency? Human rights challenges at EU’s external borders ‒ and beyond
Brot für die Welt
Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 1, 10115 Berlin -
15 September 2022
War crimes in the Ukrainian war: Possibilities for prosecution
18 June 2022, Berlin
Gender, race, colonialism: A conversation with Rita Segato
Skalitzer Straße 6, 10999 Berlin -
5 April 2022
The shutdown of legal routes for refugees and the 2016 “March of Hope” - Panel discussion on the upcoming judgment of the European Court of Human Rights
27 January 2022
Certification industry: Part of the solution or part of the problem for HRDD? The case of the Brumadinho dam break
20 January 2022
Welcome to Camp America: Inside Guantánamo Bay – Talk at photo exhibition @ Stadthaus Ulm
11 January 2022
Guantánamo turns 20 - Online event for the launch of the anthology and digital art exhibition
1 December 2021
Gitmo images and imaginaries: Digital art exhibition
24 November 2021
Rupture and reckoning: 20 years of Guantánamo
24 November 2021
“Moving the Bar” – A Book Talk about Michael Ratner's Radical Lawyering
17 November 2021
Human rights in times of crises: Resistance and concrete utopias #7
4 November 2021
Human rights in times of crises: Resistance and concrete utopias #6
21 October 2021
Thousand Days of Impunity - The Brumadinho Dam Collapse
21 September 2021
Panel discussion (online): The war on terror in court
11 September 2021
In Search of Monsters: Open air film screening and talk @Human Rights Film Festival Berlin
11 September 2021
Guantánamo voices: True accounts from the world’s most infamous prison - Book talk @Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
10 September 2021
Transnational legal activism in global value chains
22 June 2021
#3 Climate change and environmental degradation
22 June 2021
Launch of interactive mapping platform
9 June 2021
The Airspace Tribunal
2 June 2021
#2 Corporate power, the role of law and human rights
26 May 2021
#1 Opening event: The concrete utopia of human rights
21 April 2021
The violent persecution of LGBTQ in Chechnya: Germany should act
16 April 2021
ECCHR Lunch Talk: Framing Human Rights
25 February 2021
The struggle for labor and human rights in global value chains: The status quo and future strategies
27 January 2021
The bumpy road to the implementation of the French duty of vigilance law: A focus on the risks for human rights defenders
22 January 2021
Dois anos após a explosão fatal da barragem em Brumadinho - Que responsabilidade trazem os certificadores como a TÜV Süd?
19 November 2020
Syrian crimes before European courts: SGBV as a weapon of war
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS)
12 November 2020
Criminal prosecution without borders – Justice for crimes under international law in German courts
11 November 2020
Landmark trials in Europe on Syria
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS)
27 October 2020
Italian arms exports to Yemen: State and corporate responsibility
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
7 September 2020
Second International Summer School: Human Rights Law in Context
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Lange Gasse 20, 90403 Nuremberg -
3 June 2020
German bombs and fighter jets for the war in Yemen: What’s next after the International Criminal Court received a joint Communication?
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
6 May 2020
Made in Europe, bombed in Yemen: How we can use legal means to stop arms exports to war zones
12 December 2019, The Hague
European arms exports and the case of Yemen: How to hold governments and corporate actors accountable for contributing to armed conflicts?
The Hague Humanity Hub
Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague, Netherlands -
29 November 2019, Berlin
Colonial Repercussions V: The Case of Namibia
Akademie der Künste (AdK) Back Entrance
Behrenstraße 72, 10117 Berlin -
27 November 2019, Geneva
A Business and Human Rights Approach to Arms Exports: Responsibilities and Accountability
Hotel Intercontinental Genève
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 7-9, 1209 Geneva -
12 November 2019, Oslo
Accountability for Torture in Syria – Norway's role in the struggle against impunity
Red Cross Conference Center
Hausmannsgate 7, 0186 Oslo -
4 November 2019, Berlin
State Business by Mari Bastashevski
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
22 October 2019, Berlin
Deadly dam collapse in Brazil: Are German companies responsible?
Lindenstraße 85, 10969 Berlin -
1 October 2019, The Hague
Fighting double standards before the ICC: Torture by UK forces in Iraq
The Hague Humanity Hub
Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague, Netherlands -
17 September 2019, Berlin
Tackling Impunity as a Transnational Issue: Insights from Syria, Turkey, Chechnya and Sri Lanka
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
22 July 2019, Nuremberg
International Summer Course: Human Rights Law in Context
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Lange Gasse 20, 90403 Nuremberg -
18 May 2019, Berlin
"MANIPULAÇÕES" by Rafael Pagatini
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
18 May 2019
Migrant working women*: Invisibilized labor and the struggle against capitalist violence
Admiralstr. 1-2 10999 Berlin -
29 March 2019, Swakopmund
The Genocide of the Ovaherero and Nama and the Case for Restorative Justice
Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre
2 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Swakopmund, Namibia -
27 March 2019, Swakopmund
International Law in Postcolonial Contexts
Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre
2 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Swakopmund, Namibia -
25 March 2019, Swakopmund , Windhoek
Namibia: A Week of Justice
25 March 2019, Windhoek
Symposium – Colonial Injustice: Adressing Past Wrongs
Goethe-Institut Namibia
1–5 Fidel Castro Street, P.O.B. 12 08, Windhoek, Namibia -
20 March 2019, Berlin
Germany's involvement in the Anti-IS Coalition: The air strike on Al-Badhiya IDP-Shelter in Syria
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
20 February 2019, Stockholm
Accountability for torture in Syria – Sweden's role in the struggle against impunity
Fredsgatan 2, Stockholm, Sweden -
6 February 2019, Berlin
"Law versus Power" – Book Talk by Wolfgang Kaleck
Oranienplatz 2, 10999 Berlin -
4 February 2019, Berlin
Five Years after the Deadly Push-Backs in Ceuta: Spanish-Moroccan Border Policies Today
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
11 January 2019
Armed drones at Sigonella: Legal issues and tensions between right to life protection, transparency obligations and military strategy
Universitá di Catania
Via Gallo, 24, 95124 Catania, Italy -
7 December 2018, The Hague
Justice for Syria: Universal jurisdiction as a main emerging tool to complement the International Criminal Court
8 November 2018, Berlin
"La Border Curios" by Laura Fiorio
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
7 November 2018, Berlin
Reviewing Europe’s regulations on Arms Export Control: Can Germany lead by example?
Skalitzer Straße 6, 10999 Berlin -
23 October 2018
Impunity through externalization? Interventions against human rights violations at sea and beyond
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
17 October 2018, Berlin
20 years after Pinochet's arrest: The past and present of transnational justice
Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus
Niederkirchnerstraße 5, 10117 Berlin -
28 September 2018
"1968, the fire of ideas" by Marcelo Brodsky
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
27 September 2018, Berlin
German arms exports in Mexico – Heckler & Koch and the Ayotzinapa case
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
29 May 2018, Berlin
Control - Neutralization - Elimination
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
29 May 2018, Vienna
Torture in Syria: How can Austria help investigate and prosecute international crimes committed by Syrian Intelligence Services?
29 May 2018
دعوة إلى جلسة حوار التعذيب في سوريا: كيف يمكن أن تساعد النمسا في التحقيق في الجرائم الدولية التي ترتكبها المخابرات السورية وملاحقتها؟
3 May 2018, Berlin
Diversification v. Accountability: The Case of German Arms Manufacturer Rheinmetall AG and the War in Yemen
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
24 April 2018, Berlin
New Digital Methods for Documenting Human Rights Violations in Closed Societies
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin -
18 April 2018, Rome
Italian liability for human rights violations in Yemen: are authorities and arms manufacturer complicit in deadly Saudi-coalition airstrike?
15 March 2018, Berlin
"Mit Recht gegen die Macht" – Reisen und Begegnungen, Vision und Arbeit eines anderen Juristen
14 March 2018
Interventions against Push-Backs along the Balkan Route(s)
22 February 2018, Berlin
Multinational indicted for crimes in Syria: The French Case against Company Lafarge
7 February 2018, Bogotá
International and Colombian views in Coming to Terms with Past Atrocities
26 January 2018, Berlin
Colonial Repercussions/Koloniales Erbe
24 January 2018, Berlin
Tricky Business: Space for Civil Society in Natural Resource Struggles
5 December 2017, Berlin
Lawyering for the People, Pioneering the Use of Law: A Conversation with Right Livelihood Award Laureate Colin Gonsalves
20 November 2017, Berlin
The EU-Turkey Statement and its consequences for refugees in Greece, Turkey and Germany
8 November 2017, Berlin
Towards Accountability for International Crimes in Syria
2 November 2017, Berlin
10 October 2017, Berlin
Unternehmen vor Gericht. Globale Kämpfe für die Menschenrechte
25 September 2017, Italy
Armed Drones in Italy and Europe
16 May 2017, Berlin
Für ein Ende der Straflosigkeit: Syrische Kriegsverbrechen vor deutschen Gerichten?
11 May 2017, Berlin
Whistleblowers, Journalists and Lawyers
11 May 2017, Berlin
20 April 2017, Berlin
Vom Sommer der Migration zur Gegenwart der Balkanroute: Serbien, Mazedonien und das europäische Grenzregime
13 March 2017, Berlin
A Global Quest for Accountability
2 March 2017, Berlin
How to do Justice? Accountability for Mass Atrocities in Syria
24 February 2017, New York
Human Rights and the "War on Terror": Holding the United States Accountable in Foreign Jurisdictions
26 January 2017
The US Experience: Exceeding Legal Boundaries in Countering Terrorism
28 November 2016
Shadow World
22 November 2016, Berlin
Les Sauteurs – Those Who Jump
10 November 2016, Geneva
The Long Road to Justice for the Malaya Lolas
7 November 2016, Berlin
Anarchist Cookie Shop: Tempest of Vanity
18 October 2016, Berlin
From Washington to Sanaa via Ramstein: The Impact of Drone Wars on Law, Warfare and Society
29 September 2016, Berlin
Memory and Justice
20 June 2016, Düsseldorf , Frankfurt (Main)
Factory Fire in Pakistan: KiK Must Accept its Responsibility. Survivors Describe their Fight for Justice
8 June 2016, Berlin
Universal Jurisdiction in Germany? The Congo War Crimes Trial: First Case under the Code of Crimes against International Law
19 May 2016, Berlin
Come back Safely
3 May 2016, Berlin
Negative Publicity: Artefacts of Extraordinary Rendition
28 April 2016, Berlin
Time for Justice!
21 April 2016, Berlin
The Political and Legal Struggle against Impunity in Argentina
6 March 2016, Berlin
Unternehmen vor Gericht.
22 February 2016, Berlin
Colonia Dignidad: Is Germany Falling behind Chile in Efforts to Address Wrongs?
15 February 2016, Berlin
Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets and Fences: Did Europe Learn Anything from its Deaths in Ceuta?
8 February 2016
"Who Steals Their Stories?"
2 February 2016, Berlin
Menschenrechtsbewegung in Deutschland – Wie weit reicht der politische Einfluss?
15 December 2015, Berlin
United by the Basics of International Criminal Law: Exploring its Historical Origins
30 November 2015, Berlin
Los Juicios por sus Protagonistas.
25 November 2015, Berlin
Völkerstrafrecht vor deutschen Gerichten aus anwaltlicher Perspektive
7 November 2015, Berlin
"Definitions for an Island"
19 October 2015, Berlin
"Taxi to the Dark Side"
24 September 2015, Berlin
3 September 2015, Berlin
Strategies for the Improvement of Working Conditions within Global Supply Chains
15 August 2015, Berlin
Vor den Toren Europas: Marokkos repressiver Umgang mit Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen
21 July 2015, Berlin
The Struggle for Human Rights and against Impunity in Argentina
7 May 2015, Berlin
Presentation of the ECCHR Annual Report and Exhibition Opening of “Picture of the Month” by Frank Rothe
27 April 2015, Berlin
Women Targeted by the Colombian Military – A Case for the International Criminal
11 March 2015, New York
Women in Armed Conflicts – Prosecuting Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes in Colombia and Beyond
4 February 2015, Berlin
Europe’s Treacherous Borders: Justice for the Ceuta Victims!
11 December 2014, Berlin
Menschenrechte und Geschlecht
27 November 2014, Berlin
Legacy of the Vietnam War: Crimes, Fleeing, Confronting the Past
4 November 2014, Berlin
Many Hurdles, little liability - How can victims of human rights violations enforce their rights against corporations in Germany?
15 October 2014, Berlin
German Liability for US Drone Warfare in Yemen
13 October 2014, Berlin
Being a Radical Female Lawyer: Challenges and Vision
23 September 2014, Berlin
Das Recht der Schwächeren: Argentinien, Guatemala, Sri Lanka und Irak – Strategien im Kampf gegen die Straflosigkeit
3 July 2014, Berlin
Unternehmen zur Verantwortung ziehen: Erfahrungen aus transnationalen Menschenrechtsklagen
24 June 2014, Tübingen
The Danzer Case: Current Developments in Jurisprudence on Liability of Senior Managers for Human Rights Violations
8 May 2014, The Hague
Communication to the ICC on Alleged War Crimes by British Armed Forces in Iraq
30 April 2014
The Secret of Return
28 April 2014, Berlin
From Berlin to Buenos Aires
10 April 2014, Berlin
Impressions of a Dictatorship & Chile Ayer-Hoy
6 April 2014, Berlin
Forensis: Forensics and Human Rights Abuse
30 March 2014, Berlin
Forensis: Forensics and Human Rights Abuse
16 March 2014, Berlin
Forensis: Forensics and Human Rights Abuse
13 March 2014, Berlin
Peace without Justice and Democracy? Colombia Trade Union Sinaltrainal on the Colombian Peace Process
17 February 2014, Berlin
Personal and legal perspectives on targeted killings by drones in Pakistan
14 January 2014, London
The Responsibility of UK Officials for War Crimes Involving Systematic Detainee Abuse in Iraq from 2003-2008
5 December 2013, Zurich
Human Rights Violations Abroad by Swiss Companies: Gaps in the Law and Obstacles for Legal Proceedings in Switzerland Discussion
3 December 2013, Geneva
Holding Corporations to Account for their Failure to Exercise Human Rights Due Diligence
3 December 2013, Bern
The Nestlé Court Case
28 November 2013, Berlin
Human Rights Claims against Corporations: Possibilities and Limits
27 November 2013, Berlin
"El Juicio" (The Trial)
16 November 2013, Berlin
Chile Yesterday Today
20 October 2013, Vienna
Crimes against Humanity in Colombia: The “Falsos Positivos” Cases and the Responsibility of Top Military Figures
17 October 2013, Berlin
Dirty Wars - Schmutzige Kriege
30 September 2013, Berlin
The Pinochet Effect – Impact of Transnational Court Cases
27 September 2013, Berlin
"Fight Nestlé to the Death"
18 September 2013, Berlin
Germany and the Chilean Military Dictatorship – The Colonia Dignidad
11 September 2013, Berlin
Resistance in Chile / Impressions of a Dictatorship
16 May 2013, Berlin
A Conflict without End: Legal Human Rights Work via Mobile Task Forces in Chechnya
25 April 2013, Tübingen
Liability for Human Rights Violations? German Companies and their Foreign Activities: The Danzer Group in the Democratic Republic of Congo
16 January 2013, Berlin
Responsible Sourcing – Baumwolle ohne Zwangs- und Kinderarbeit
22 November 2012, Berlin
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof und Friedensverhandlungen in Kolumbien – ein Widerspruch?
20 November 2012, Berlin , The Hague
Gewalt gegen Gewerkschafter in Kolumbien – Ein Thema für den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof?
10 November 2012, Berlin
El Hotel
9 November 2012, Berlin
Strategic Human Rights Litigation
10 October 2012, Aachen , Berlin
Violence against Trade Unionists in Colombia – A Case for the International Criminal Court? Discussion
14 September 2012, Berlin
The Kissinger Project
28 August 2012, Berlin
ESPACIOS de MEMORIA - Orte der Erinnerung
2 July 2012, Berlin
International Criminal Law in Germany: Promise and Reality
2 July 2012, Berlin
Schweigen und Verschweigen
16 June 2012, Berlin
Eine Frage des Überlebens.
15 May 2012, Berlin
Ten Years Code of Crimes against International Law in Germany – Opportunities and Shortcomings
15 May 2012, Berlin
How Can Corporations Be Held Accountable for Grave Human Rights Violations? The Case of Kiobel v. Shell before the Supreme Court
9 May 2012, Berlin
An Unpunished Crime
25 April 2012, Berlin
Verschwindenlassen als Verstoß gegen die Menschenrechte - (K)ein Problem für Deutschland?
25 April 2012, Stuttgart
Der Fall Murwanashyaka
16 April 2012, Berlin
Turning a Blind Eye? Ten Years of the International Criminal Court
6 March 2012, Berlin , Bern , Vienna , Zurich
The Case of Luciano Romero. Murder of Trade Unionists in Colombia – Is Nestlé Legally Responsible?
1 March 2012, Berlin
From the Uzbek Cotton Fields to the Termez Military Base
1 December 2011
International Criminal Justice & Africa – The Case of Hissène Habré
25 November 2011
Meeting of Experts from European Law and Practice for the Prohibition of Torture
21 November 2011, Berlin
Rights and Responsibility: The Way ahead for Business and Human Rights
12 November 2011, Berlin
"Even Trees can Fly"
3 November 2011, Berlin
Transitional Justice − Ein Weg gegen sexualisierte Kriegsgewalt?
31 October 2011, Berlin
International Counterterrorism and Intelligence Cooperation
19 October 2011, Berlin
Palestine at the United Nations
15 September 2011, Berlin
Medien der Rechtsprechung
12 September 2011, The Hague
Compensation for Gross Human Rights Abuses: Contemporary Relevance and Challenges for State Immunity
11 August 2011, Berlin
Corporate Responsibility in International Production Chains, with Special Consideration of Gender-Specific Labor and Human Rights Violations
4 July 2011, Berlin
Wirtschaftsunternehmen und die argentinische Militärdiktatur
28 June 2011, Berlin
Ten Years After 9/11: Looking Back, Moving Forward
22 June 2011, Douala
Strategic Litigation against Transnational Firms
19 April 2011, Berlin
Afrika vor dem großen Sprung
7 March 2011, Berlin
Arbeit an der Grenze – Feminizide und Maquilas an der Nordgrenze Mexikos
21 February 2011, London
Blacklisted: Targeted Sanctions, Preemptive Security and Fundamental Rights
10 December 2010, Berlin
Blacklisted: Targeted Sanctions, Preemptive Security and Fundamental Rights
13 November 2010, Berlin
Discussion, Exhibition and Office Party
11 November 2010, Berlin
Usbekische Baumwolle aus Kinderhand in den deutschen Markt?
6 October 2010, Berlin
South Korean Human Rights Movement and the North Korean Problem - Some Lessons for Global Human Rights Movement
30 September 2010, Brussels
Fight against Impunity: The Case of Argentina
29 September 2010, Berlin
Menschenrechte und Profite.
27 September 2010, Berlin
Kampf gegen die Straflosigkeit.
22 September 2010, Geneva
Human Rights in Sri Lanka
15 September 2010, Bogotá
Strategic Litigation against Transnational Corporations
31 August 2010, Berlin
Zum ersten Jahrestag: Der Fall Kundus und das Tötungsverbot im Krieg
22 June 2010, Berlin
Mit Verbraucherschutzrecht gegen unmenschliche Arbeitsbedingungen?
11 June 2010, Berlin
Gericht und Gedächtnis: Der deutschsprachige Holocaust-Diskurs der sechziger Jahre
21 May 2010, Berlin
Neuer Schritt zum Feindstrafrecht? Die EU-Terrorlisten in Verbindung mit dem §34 des Außenwirtschaftsgesetzes
12 May 2010, Berlin
Verfolgung von Gender-Based Crimes vor dem Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)
4 May 2010, Berlin
Infrastructure and Human Rights
26 April 2010, Berlin
Guantánamo and the Prosecution of Torture after One Year Obama
16 March 2010, Vilnius
CIA-"Extraordinary Rendition" Program: "What’s Next for Lithuania?"
31 January 2010, Berlin
Femicide in Oaxaca, Mexico - Impunity and Counterstrategies
29 January 2010, Berlin
Business as usual? Über die Entschädigungsklagen der Opfer des südafrikanischen Apartheidregimes
21 January 2010, Berlin
Current Challenges in Refugee Protection
3 December 2009, Berlin
Between State Immunity and Individual Compensation Claims
25 November 2009, Berlin
Universal Jurisdiction in Spain
19 November 2009, Brussels
No more Killing of Women - No more Impunity
12 November 2009, Berlin
Information Session on the Argentine Dictatorship Trials
9 November 2009, Brussels
European Lawyers' Meeting on the Prosecution of International Crimes
8 November 2009, Brussels
Universal Jurisdiction
30 October 2009, Berlin
Analyse des Rechts und seine praktische Anwendung
19 October 2009, Brussels
Terrorism Lists, Executive Powers and Human Rights
9 July 2009, Berlin
Fight against Terrorism and Human Rights
3 April 2009
Impunity for Torture: The Long-Desired End or Continuity?
1 April 2009, Strasbourg
60/60: The Role of NATO Post-9/11
2 March 2009, Berlin
Economy and Human Rights in Times of Globalization
9 October 2008, Berlin
Transnationale Unternehmen und Menschenrechte
7 July 2008, Madrid
Universelle Strafjustiz
4 December 2007, Copenhagen
Cooperation and Torture
4 October 2007, Berlin
The "War on Terror" and Human Rights
3 October 2007, Berlin
ECCHR Workshop on CIA Rendition Flights and Torture
1 October 2007, New York
Rendition, the War on Terror and Human Rights: A European Approach
1 January 1970, Berlin
Multi-Stakeholder-Consultation on the Right to Food