9 June 2021

The Airspace Tribunal

9 June 2021, 1:00 pm

Towards a New Human Right to Protect the Freedom to Live Without Physical or Psychological Threat From Above

Berlin Hearing (online)

9 June 2021, 1 pm – 3 pm CEST 
9 June 2021, 4 pm – 6 pm CEST 
11 June 2021, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm CEST 
Via Zoom – please register below 

Chris Woods (Airwars), Lisa Ling (whistleblower), Omar Mohammed (Mosul Eye), Pratap Chatterjee (CorpWatch), Jutta Weber (University of Paderborn), Alirio Uribe Muñoz & Sebastián Escobar Uribe (both CAJAR), Andreas Schüller (ECCHR), Shona Illingworth & Nick Grief (both University of Kent).

Counsel to the Tribunal: Kirsty Brimelow QC, Doughty Street Chambers

ECCHR invites you to join the next hearing of the Airspace Tribunal. In the past decades, humans have radically transformed the sky – militarily, chemically, territorially and psychologically. Technological developments mean that this transformation is accelerating and growing in complexity. Technology such as armed or surveillance drones are only one of the visible impacts that are leaving people increasingly vulnerable to expanding commercial and military exploitation of airspace and outer space and to the consequences of environmental change. 

The Airspace Tribunal, a people’s tribunal conceived by Nick Grief and Shona Illingworth, is examining the case for and against a proposed new human right to protect the freedom to live without physical or psychological threat from above. Hearings have previously been held in London, Sydney and Toronto. 

The Berlin hearing will be hosted by ECCHR, supported by the University of Kent. Speakers will bring their personal and/or professional expertise to the Tribunal to further develop the discourse around this proposed human right. Each speaker will be questioned by Counsel to the Tribunal, Kirsty Brimelow QC, who will then facilitate questions from the audience. Andreas Schüller, director of ECCHR's International Crimes and Accountability program, serves as Chair of the Tribunal. Shona Illingworth and Nick Grief (University of Kent) will introduce each session.

9 June 2021, 1 pm CEST 
Chris Woods (founder and Director of Airwars)
Jutta Weber (science & technology studies scholar, University of Paderborn)

9 June 2021, 4 pm CEST
Lisa Ling (whistleblower on US drone surveillance systems)
Alirio Uribe Muñoz (lawyer, CAJAR)
Sebastián Escobar Uribe (lawyer, CAJAR)

11 June 2021, 11:30 am CEST 
Omar Mohammed (journalist, Mosul Eye)
Pratap Chatterjee (journalist and Executive Director, CorpWatch)

We invite you to be part of an active audience that will be the Airspace Tribunal’s judges,challenging the traditional state-centric view of how international law is usually created. At the end of the proceedings, members of the audience will be able to vote for or against recognizing the proposed human right. 

It is not necessary to attend all three parts of the hearing – votes will be cast at the end of each session. 
Find more information on the Airspace Tribunal here.

You will receive a link to the online platform via email before the event starts.


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