Berlin 1968 Berlin 1968

28 September 2018

"1968, the fire of ideas" by Marcelo Brodsky

28 September 2018, 6:00 pm
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Zossener Str. 55-58 (Staircase D), 10961 Berlin

6.00 PM Discussion: 1968 – Fearless Lawyers and the RAF Trials

Hans-Christian Ströbele (lawyer and former parliamentarian), Rupert von Plottnitz (lawyer and former state minister) and Florian Jeßberger (Universität Hamburg) in conversation with Carsten Gericke (ECCHR partner lawyer) and Wolfgang Kaleck (ECCHR General Secretary)

7.30 PM Exhibition Opening: "1968, the fire of ideas" by Marcelo Brodsky

1968 – This year sees a rise in global protests against politicians, the military and repressive power structures. In his exhibition "1968, the fire of ideas", Argentine photographer and activist Marcelo Brodsky combines archival imagery from these turbulent times. Through added elements of text and color Brodsky highlights the emotionality of the protests and the worldwide struggle for social change.

ECCHR will host this exhibition until 31 October 2018.

The discussion will take place in German.


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