20 January 2024, Berlin

Reparations and repair: On climate justice, colonialism and the Capitalocene

20 January 2024, 2:00 pm
Akademie der Künste (AdK)
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin

What do “reparations” mean in the context of climate justice? In many regions of the world, marginalised people are suffering considerably due to environmental destruction and the consequences of climate change, for which Western industrialised countries and companies bear responsibility. The symposium will discuss the historical, economic and ecological contexts of climate change and legal and political claims for reparations from the former colonial powers.

The symposium will be held in English. Free admission.



Welcome by the Academy of Arts

Reparations and Repair: A talk between Wolfgang Kaleck (ECCHR), Alexandra Nehmer and Anh Linh (both Arch+)


Lecture: Plantation Construction, Environmental Degradation & Reparation

Verene Shepherd, Kingston, Jamaica, Genf, followed by a talk with Joshua Castellino, Minority Rights Group, London

16.00 - 16.30

Coffee break

16.30 - 18.00

Artistic Interventions with Miki Yui, Natalia Favaro und Tomás Saraceno, film excerpts from „Flux“ and „Fly with Pacha“ with a following discussion

Moderation: Johanna Keller, Akademie der Künste

18.00 - 18.15


18.15 - 19.30

Panel discussion: The Loss and Damages Fund and civil society claims seeking compensation for the consequences of climate change

Priya Morley, University of California, Los Angeles/USA, Miriam Saage-Maaß, ECCHR, Nazir Mansoor, trade unionist, Karachi/Pakistan

Moderation: Laura Duarte, ECCHR


Discussion: How can we adequately support the claim for reparations and the great repair of the world in Germany? Perspectives beyond the established political landscape

Luisa Neubauer, Fridays for Future, Berlin, Andres Veiel, Akademie der Künste, Berlin

Moderation: Andrea Böhm


End of the event and reception


More information about the symposium here.


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