Business and Human Rights

Business and Human Rights

In our globalized economy, transnational corporations and governments work to dismantle barriers to trade so that commodities, data and money can flow more or less unfettered around the world. This system profits and promotes the interests of businesses in the Global North and elites in developing or newly industrialized countries. At the other end of the supply chain, however, millions of people in the Global South do not fare so well. Inherently unjust power imbalances in the globalized economic system result in recurring human rights violations. Many human rights abuses are attributable to transnational companies or their overseas subsidiaries and suppliers. ECCHR aims to use legal interventions to help break down unjust economic, social, political and legal power relations around the world. We are, however, aware of the obstacles facing victims when they take on foreign corporations to enforce their rights. But going to court is not the only option. In some cases, lodging complaints with UN bodies or other international or national institutions can be more useful than lawsuits or criminal complaints – crucial are the political, economic and social circumstances.

Cases (27)


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