19 November 2020

Syrian crimes before European courts: SGBV as a weapon of war

19 November 2020, 6:00 pm
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS)

Women have been violated in many ways during the armed conflict in Syria. They have been raped, used as human shields during military operations and kidnapped to pressure and humiliate family members. Abuses against women have been used as a deliberate tactic to defeat the other party from a symbolic and psychological perspective, making women specific targets as the conflict rages on.

This event aims to highlight the use sexual and gender-based violence in armed conflict and will focus on possible legal ramifications before European courts with regard to crimes committed in Syria.


  • Amal Nassar, criminal justice expert, Global Survivors Fund
  • Joumana Seif, research fellow in the International Crimes and Accountability program, ECCHR
  • Mona Zeineddine, Road to Justice Campaign


  • Nasser Yassin, associate professor, American University of Beirut

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