3 October 2007, Berlin

ECCHR Workshop on CIA Rendition Flights and Torture

3 October 2007, 12:00 am

In the first week of October the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) organized a practitioners' workshop on CIA-rendition flights and torture in Berlin. The two day workshop took place in the Staatsratsgebäude (former building of the GDR State Council, which now accommodates the Hertie School of Governance) hosted the meeting of 25 practitioners from more than 10 countries.

All participants are experts in rendition and detention cases, most of them as legal representatives of victims of the extraordinary rendition programs in different countries. Their work includes the Kurnaz and El Masri cases in Germany, the Al Zery case in Sweden as well as the Spanish investigation by investigation judges In Madrid about the use of Spanish airports. Many representatives of human rights organisations who have carried out investigations on the rendition program and/or are involved in trials, such as the Center for Constitutional Rights, OSI, the Romanian Helsinki Committee, Interights, the International Commission of Jurists, Reprieve, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Statewatch participated.


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