10 December 2010, Berlin

Blacklisted: Targeted Sanctions, Preemptive Security and Fundamental Rights

10 December 2010, 12:00 am

With a short presentation and discussion by Wolfgang Kaleck, Gavin Sullivan, Ben Hayes and Professor Amir Attaran (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Blacklisted critically analyses the terrorism 'targeted sanctions' regimes set up by the UN and EU in the years following the attacks of 11 September 2001. The lists nominally aim to disrupt the activities of terrorist groups by criminalising their members, cutting off their access to funds and undermining their support. However, they have been the subject of considerable legal challenge and are being seriously undermined by growing doubts about their legality, effectiveness and disproportionate impact on the rights of affected parties.

The Report suggests that the policy of blacklisting is currently in crisis and follows the recommendations of Martin Scheinin - UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism and author of the Report's foreword - in arguing that the lists ought to be abolished.

Associate Professor Amir Attaran (from the University of Ottawa) will be joining us to discuss the Report from a Canadian perspective - including an evaluation of the litigation and campaigning strategies that are being developed there to challenge the legitimacy of the listing regime.


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