LkSG-Fachgespräch LkSG-Fachgespräch

13 November 2024

Expert Discussion: Two years of the German Supply Chain Act

13 November 2024, 9:45 am
tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg
Prinzenstr 85F 10969 Berlin

Initial practical experience with the LkSG and the need for reform in light of the upcoming transposition of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

In this expert roundtable, we will engage in panel debates and in-depth working groups to address the topic of mandatory due diligence obligations for companies in Germany. First, we will gather initial impressions of the implementation of the German LkSG two years after it came into force. We aim to create a forum to share and discuss experiences with complaints from the perspective of those affected, insights from businesses into the successes and hurdles of applying the law, and initial lessons learned from administrative implementation practices. 

In addition, we will assess the content of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (EU CSDDD) in comparison to the German LkSG and what this entails for its transposition into German law, particularly in light of initial experiences with the application of the LkSG. This expert roundtable is not a public event and is tailored to an expert audience for the German context. Representatives of state agencies and companies, as well as voices from civil society, will have their say in an in-depth debate about the opportunities and challenges of binding due diligence obligations under the LkSG and the EU CSDD. 

Participation is only possible after registration via the following registration link.


09:30-09:45 | Arrival of the participants

09:45-10:00 | Introduction to the event by the organizers

10:00-11:00 | Panel discussion 1: First-hand reports on the application of the LkSG from stakeholder perspectives (GERMAN/ENGLISH)
Moderator: Bettina Braun, German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR)

  • Malte Drewes, Business and Human Rights Helpdesk
  • Nasir Mansoor, National Trade Union Federation (NTUF), Pakistan
  • Annabell Brüggemann, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
  • Representative, Federal Office for Export Control (BAFA) (requested) 
  • Katja Gehne, BASF

11:00-11:15 | Coffee break

11:15-12:15 | Parallel working groups

Working group 1: Exchange on experiences and procedural issues related to the different complaints mechanisms of the LkSG (GERMAN/ENGLISH)
Moderator: Lissa Bettzieche, German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR)

  • Nasir Mansoor, National Trade Union Federation (NTUF), Pakistan
  • Annabell Brüggemann, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
  • Franziska Humbert, OXFAM
  • Dominik Gross, Christian Initiative Romero (CIR)
  • Representative, Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and/or Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) (requested)

Working group 2: Comparative input on challenges and opportunities in different sectors (textiles, agriculture, automotive) (GERMAN)
Moderator: Christian Schliemann-Radbruch, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)

with keynote speeches by 

  • Sascha Tischer, Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (FONAP)
  • Anne Neumann, INKOTA 
  • Malte Drewes, Business and Human Rights Helpdesk

followed by Q&A 

Working group 3: Moderated discussion on the mission and impact of multi-stakeholder initiatives, audits, and certifications in the implementation of the LkSG (ENGLISH)
Moderator: Miriam Saage-Maaß, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)


  • Stefanie Lorenzen, Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin)
  • Franziska Korn, Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES)
  • Frederike Boll, Tchibo
  • Zehra Khan, Home-Based Women Worker's Federation (HBWWF), Pakistan

12:15-1:15 | Lunch

13:1514:15 | Panel discussion 2: The LkSG in light of the EU CSDDD – need for reform and next steps (GERMAN/ENGLISH)
Moderator: Armin Paasch, Misereor

  • Alejandro García Esteban, Political Advisor to the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) in the European Parliament 
  • Finn Schufft, Germanwatch
  • Ulrike Geith, Head of Division CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility, Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS)
  • Lissa Bettzieche, German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR)

14:15-14:30 | Coffee break

2:30-3:30 | Parallel working groups

Working group 1: Regulatory content of the EU CSDDD, need for reform of the LkSG, and regression risks (GERMAN)
Moderator: Lisa Pitz, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)

with lecture by

  • Attorney Robert Grabosch, Cosu Legal

followed by Q&A

Working group 2: Focus on administrative enforcement and civil liability – need for LkSG reform in light of the EU CSDDD (GERMAN/ENGLISH)
Moderator: Finn Schufft, Germanwatch

  • Lawyer Simon Simanovski, Simanovski – Law Firm for Fair Business

Working group 3: Joint reflection on agency-building among affected persons and stakeholders from the Global South and TWAIL criticism of the LkSG/EU CSDDD (ENGLISH)
Moderator: Christian Schliemann-Radbruch, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)

with keynote speeches by

  • Zehra Khan, Home-Based Women Worker's Federation (HBWWF), Pakistan
  • Caroline Omari Lichuma, Center for Human Rights Erlangen Nuremberg (CHREN)
  • Karin Zennig, medico international

followed by Q&A

The number of participants is limited. Participation is only possible after registration via the following registration link.

Please register for one of the parallel working groups, both for the morning and the afternoon session, during the registration process. Please note that two of the working groups will be held exclusively in English.

You will be notified via email when your registration has been successfully completed. 

On the evening of 13 November (5:30 pm – 6:45 pm), there will also be a public panel discussion on the topic at the same venue, for which you can register using the following registration link.

Afterwards, we invite you to a reception with drinks.

With simultaneous translation in English and German for the panel discussion and at least one working group.


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