30 May 2024, Berlin

fluid lines and broken fittings: How to reflect a democracy in crisis

30 May 2024, 12:49 pm
Schinkel Pavillion
Oberwallstraße 32, 10117 Berlin

From May 23 to June 2, the discursive project fluid lines and broken fittings at the Schinkel Pavillon will present artistic works that take a comprehensive look at the subject of political injustice and become the starting point for panel discussions and talks. On the 30th May at 7pm, Mykola Ridnyi will engage in a conversation with Wolfgang Kaleck, General Secretary at ECCHR, on identifying historical traces of injustice.

Concerning political developments in Germany and many other countries as well as the increasing number of wars and conflicts underline the fact that many people and social groups around the world are being deprived of their rights. They are discriminated against, persecuted, criminalized or socially marginalized on the basis of religion, skin color, gender or political views on behalf of political powers that subordinate applicable law to their own agenda.

Such scenarios of injustice raise existential questions: How can we demand justice when in more and more countries the law covers up injustice? How can we create perspectives for the future when systemic violence or discrimination dominate everyday life? How can we revisit history and highlight injustice when authoritarian regimes have left deep traces in the lives of millions of people, but there is hardly any evidence of this injustice in state archives, institutions and the public?

Based on local challenges, the awareness of the fragility of democracies and current wars and conflicts that challenge us politically and socially, fluid lines and broken fittings expands our view of the world and creates a multi-perspective space for screenings, readings, talks and panel discussions.

Read more about the program


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