11 January 2022

Guantánamo turns 20 - Online event for the launch of the anthology and digital art exhibition

11 January 2022, 5:00 pm

For 20 years, the US prison Guantánamo has been a synonym for horrendous crimes: enforced disappearances, torture, and detention without charge or trial. Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks from September to January we and our partners are hosting an interdisciplinary event series on the legacy of the world's most famous prison ­- Rupture and Reckoning: 20 years of Guantánamo. On the anniversary of the opening of Guantánamo on 11 January, we would like to use the occasion to stimulate reflection upon the realities of Guantánamo with our publication and our digital art exhibition. On 11 January ECCHR hosts an online panel to discuss the impact of Guantánamo and the legal struggle for the detainees and lawyers involved. Moderated by Allison West (ECCHR), Mohamedou Ould Slahi (former detainee), Katherine Gallagher (Center for Constitutional Rights) and Wolfgang Kaleck (ECCHR) will engage in the conversation. ECCHR has been working to fight the US torture program for more than ten years.


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