Director Right Livelihood Award Foundation

Ole von Uexküll

Ole von Uexküll leads and coordinates the work of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation. His main tasks are strategy development, representation, financial management and research. He has evaluated candidates for the Right Livelihood Award in more than 35 countries around the globe. Von Uexküll holds masters degrees in Environmental Science (Lund University) and European Studies (Freie Universität, Humboldt Universität and Technische Universität Berlin). After his studies, he won a fellowship for the Postgraduate Programme in International Affairs of the Robert Bosch Foundation, the German National Academic Foundation, and the German Foreign Office. Von Uexküll has worked at the German Parliament in Berlin, the United Nations Environment Programme in Paris, and the European Parliament in Brussels.

About us





Emeritus advisory board

Advisory Board

In Memoriam