Chantal Meloni is an Italian criminal lawyer and professor at the Università degli Studi di Milano Statale, Italy, where she teaches international criminal law. In 2006, she completed her PhD with a thesis on command responsibility in international criminal law. She then worked at the International Criminal Court in The Hague as a legal assistant in chambers. From 2011 to 2014, she was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Since 2010, she collaborates with the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and spent several months in Gaza, Palestine. Meloni joined ECCHR in September 2015 as Senior Legal Advisor for the program International Crimes and Accountability.
International Crimes and Accountability
Chantal Meloni
About us
Entries (39)
Book chapter
Eine kritische Außenperspektive auf die Anwendungspraxis: Zur Auswahl der Fälle und zur Beteiligung der internationalen Gemeinschaft
Blog post
Complementarity Is No Excuse: Why the ICC Investigation in Libya Must Include Crimes Against Migrants and Refugees
Blog post
Kunduz Airstrike Before European Court of Human Rights: Future of Jurisdiction and Duty to Investigate
Academic article
Individual Criminal Responsibility
Book chapter
Quality Control in the Preliminary Examination of Civil Society Submissions
Academic article
Sulla (il)legittimità degli omicidi mirati mediante i droni e i possibili ricorsi alle corti
Academic article
The ICC Preliminary Examination of the Flotilla Situation: An Opportunity to Contextualise Gravity
Book chapter
State and Individual Responsibility for Targeted Killings by Drones
Book chapter
The Evolution of Command Responsibility in International Criminal Law
Academic article
Jurisdictional Immunity of States: The Italian Constitutional Court v. the International Court of Justice?
Book chapter
Command Responsibility, Joint Commission and 'Control over the Crime' Approach in the First ICC Jurisprudence
Book chapter
Vittime e Giustizia Penale Internazionale
Academic article
I nodi della responsabilità per genocidio nel diritto penale internazionale: tra dimensione collettiva e imputazione individuale, precetto internazionale e accertamento internazionale
Academic article
La Corte Costituzionale annulla gli effetti della decisione della CIG in materia di immunità giurisdizionale dello Stato estero
Academic article
Kenya and the ICC: A Boomerang Effect?
Academic article
Ancora in tema di immunità giurisdizionale degli Stati e responsabilità (civile) per crimini internazionali
Academic article
Una importante sentenza della Corte EDU in materia di tortura e immunità dello Stato di fronte a una giurisdizione straniera
Academic article
Extraordinary renditions della CIA in Europa: Il punto di vista della Corte Europea dei diritti dell’Uomo
Academic article
Il lento adeguamento dell'Italia allo Statuto della Corte penale internazionale
Academic article
Fare la guerra con omicidi mirati
Academic article
L'impasse della Corte Penale internazionale sulla Libia
Book chapter
Fragmentation of the Notion of Co-Perpetration in International Criminal Law?
Book chapter
Commentary on the Martic Trial Chamber Judgment, Prosecutor v. Martic (IT-95-11-T), T. Ch. 12 June 2007
Is there a Court for Gaza? A Test Bench for International Justice
Academic article
Arrestato e trasferito all'Aia l'ex Presidente della Costa d'Avorio
Academic article
Un'importante pronuncia della Corte di Strasburgo in materia di tutela dei diritti umani nell'ambito di missioni militari all'estero
Academic article
Giustizia per le vittime di Srebrenica
Academic article
Il Procuratore della Corte penale internazionale annuncia l'apertura formale delle indagini in Libia
Academic article
L'Onu porta Gheddafi davanti alla Corte Penale Internazionale
Academic article
Indirect Perpetration versus Joint Criminal Enterprise: Concurring Approaches in the Practice of the International Criminal Law?
Academic article
The Responsibility of Senior Leaders and Military Commanders and the Recourse to the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction
Command Responsibility in International Criminal Law
Academic article
La partecipazione delle vittime davanti alla Corte Penale Internazionale
Book chapter
Autrice di 12 voci relative a processi in Argentina e Indonesia
Academic article
Commentary on the Sentencing Judgment, Prosecutor v. Darko Mrda (IT-02-59-S), T. Ch. 31 March 2004
Book chapter
Superior Responsibility for Acts of Torture Committed by Subordinates under International Criminal Law
Academic article
I primi passi della Corte Penale Internazionale: la decisione che conferma le accuse nei confronti di Thomas Lubanga Dyilo
Academic article
Command Responsibility - Mode of Liability for the Crimes of Subordinates or Separate Offence of the Superior?
Academic article
La tutela dei bambini soldato in diritto internazionale e responsabilità per crimini internazionali
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International Crimes and Accountability
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International Crimes and Accountability
Chantal Meloni
International Crimes and Accountability
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International Network of Civil Liberties and Human Rights Organizations (INCLO)
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Wits Law School
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