Andreas Schüller is co-director of the International Crimes and Accountability program at ECCHR. Since 2009, he has worked at ECCHR on such issues as drone strikes, the US torture program, abuses committed by British soldiers in Iraq, as well as international crimes in Syria, Sri Lanka, Colombia and Ukraine. He is active throughout Europe in national criminal proceedings based on the principle of universal jurisdiction, as well as in the International Criminal Court and the European Court of Human Rights. In publications and lectures, he focuses on international criminal law and the protection of human rights from a critical, civil-society perspective. He studied law in Trier, Germany, and Orléans, France, received his LL.M. from the Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands, with an emphasis in international criminal law, and is licensed to practice law in Berlin.
Program Co-Director International Crimes and Accountability
Andreas Schüller
About us
Entries (53)
Academic article
Ruthlessly exposed: how the law protects the war efforts of powerful states instead of vulnerable individuals
Book chapter
20 Jahre Völkerstrafgesetzbuch in Deutschland aus Perspektive der Zivilgesellschaft
Blog post
What can(’t) international criminal justice deliver for Ukraine?
Blog post
Northeast Syria - Executioner without judge
Academic article
Spot on! Kriegsverbrechen in der Ukraine
Academic article
Was bedeutet der Krieg in der Ukraine für die internationale Strafjustiz?
Academic article
Zivilgesellschaft im Völkerrecht: Wenn die Anklage von „unten“ kommt
Blog post
Universal Jurisdiction — the Most Difficult Path to Achieve Justice for Sri Lanka
Blog post
The ICC, British War Crimes in Iraq and a Very British Tradition
Academic article
Inferno im Paradies: Fehlende Aufarbeitung von Kriegsverbrechen und deren Folgen
Academic article
Deutschland vor Gericht: Der Luftangriff bei Kundus
Blog post
Tools to violate international law: Armed drones in Germany and the government’s legal position
Academic article
Eine willkürliche Tötung
Academic article
Universal Jurisdiction Gains New Momentum
Book chapter
Extraterritorial Prosecutions and Transitional Justice: Seeking Criminal Justice in and outside Sri Lanka
Academic article
Sozialadäquates Verhalten. Die juristische Aufarbeitung der Colonia Dignidad ist ein besonders unrühmliches Kapitel der deutschen Justizgeschichte
Blog post
Colonia Dignidad, ein deutscher Justizskandal
Book chapter
Quality Control in the Preliminary Examination of Civil Society Submissions
Blog post
Die heimlichen Komplizen
Policy paper
Unlimited Use of Armed Drones in the Fight against Terrorism in Syria?
Blog post
Next Challenge for Universal Jurisdiction: Overcoming Double Standards
Litigating Drone Strikes
Make Way for Justice #3
Blog post
Sexualized Violence in Colombia: how women are helped – and hindered
Blog post
The dangers of trade deals with the Sri Lankan military
Make Way for Justice #2
Blog post
Ein kleiner Anfang ist gemacht: Kriegsverbrechen vor deutschen Gerichten
Blog post
Kriegsverbrecherprozess am OLG Stuttgart: Lange Haftstrafen für FDLR-Milizenführer
Blog post
War criminals still feel safe from prosecution in Sri Lanka
Academic article
Bringing CIA Torture to Justice
Academic article
Zu weit gegangen. Der schwierige Umgang mit Kriegsverbrechen in Sri Lanka
Academic article
Strafverfolgung von Kriegsverbrechen – Aktuelle Verfahren in Deutschland und vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof
Academic article
Folter: US-Behörden zögern mit Strafuntersuchung
Academic article
Piecing Together the Puzzle: Making US Torturers in Europe Accountable
Academic article
Vorauseilender Gehorsam. Keine Strafverfolgung von Drohnenangriff durch Bundesanwaltschaft
Academic article
Ungleich vor Gericht. Die Bilanz des internationalen Strafgerichtshofs ist gemischt
Blog post
Vor der Sommerpause: Zweimal kein Rechtsschutz gegen Vereinte Nationen
Academic article
Rechtsschutzmöglichkeiten bei gezielten Tötungen durch Drohnen
Academic article
The Role of National Investigations in the System of International Criminal Justice – Developments in Germany
Academic article
Die Haftung des Staates im bewaffneten Konflikt
Academic article
Entscheidungsanmerkung: "Reales Risiko" der Folter oder unmenschlichen Behandlung reicht für ein Beweisverwertungsverbot
Academic article
Das Zusammenspiel von Menschenrechtsbewegungen und transnationaler Gerichtsbarkeit zur Überwindung von Straflosigkeit
Academic article
Gleiches Recht für alle: Die juristische Menschenrechtsarbeit gegen die Folgen von 9/11
Book chapter
Concurring Criminal Jurisdictions under International Law
Academic article
Litigating Extraordinary Renditions
Academic article
Fundamental Standards of Humanity – Still a Useful Attempt or an Expired Concept?
Academic article
Völkerrechtliche Rechte und Pflichten im Bereich der humanitären Hilfe
Book chapter
Can the International Criminal Court prosecute military personnel of United Nations peace support operations?
Academic article
Die strafrechtliche Verfolgung von in Uganda verübten Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Kriegsverbrechen durch einheimische Gerichte oder den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof
Academic article
'Gravity' under the Rome Statute: Procedural Filter or Instrument of Shaping Criminal Policy?
Academic article
Rules and Responsibilities of Employees of Private Military Companies under International Humanitarian Law
Book chapter
Das Rückwirkungsverbot im Völkerstrafrecht
Academic article
Tarnen und Täuschen: Die deutschen Strafverfolgungsbehörden und der Fall des Luftangriffs bei Kundus
General Secretary
Wolfgang Kaleck
Legal Director
Miriam Saage-Maaß
Director of the Institute for Legal Intervention
Annelen Micus
Director Border justice
Hanaa Hakiki
Program Co-Director International Crimes and Accountability
Andreas Schüller
Co-Program Director International Crimes and Accountability
Alexander Schwarz
Co-Program Director Business and Human Rights
Cannelle Lavite
Co-Program Director Business and Human Rights
Clara Gonzales
Heads Communications Department
Maria Bause
Director Communications and Advocacy
Martin Glasenapp
Business and Human Rights
Chloé Bailey
International Crimes and Accountability
Arne Bardelle
Media and Communication
Martha Bracklo
Business and Human Rights
Annabell Brüggemann
Office Management
Jenny Dahlström
Border justice
Abby d’Arcy
Business and Human Rights
Laura Duarte Reyes
Institute for Legal Intervention
Rieke Ernst
Institute for Legal Intervention
Hannah Franzki
Media and Communication
Josephine Gäbler
Fundraising and partnerships
Natalie Hauser
Isabelle Hassfurther
Communications and fundraising
Susanne Hentschel
Business and Human Rights
Cristina Hernandez Hurtado
Senior Legal Advisor
Sönke Hilbrans
Media and Communication
Philipp Jedamzik
Katharina Kersten
International Crimes and Accountability
Antonia Klein
Elisabeth Krämer
International Crimes and Accountability
Patrick Kroker
Helena Krüger
Lilian Löwenbrück
Media and Communication
Sigrun Matthiesen
Business and Human Rights
Theresa Mockel
Andrea Pietrafesa
Business and Human Rights
Lisa Pitz
Victoria Riello-Brakensiek
Institute for Legal Intervention
Andrea Ries
Border justice
Delphine Rodrik
International Crimes and Accountability
Silvia Rojas-Castro
Investigative Commons
Anne Schroeter
People & Culture
Eva Seeliger
International Crimes and Accountability
Joumana Seif
International Crimes and Accountability
Jake Soria
International Crimes and Accountability
Fiona Thorp
Institute for Legal Intervention / Business and Human Rights
Claire Tixeire
Tanvi Tuhina
Research Assistant
Fritz Wegemann
Rahel Weldemariam
International Crimes and Accountability
Allison West
Media and Communications
Dave Youssef
Communications and Fundraising
Nicolina Zimmermann
Institute for Legal Intervention
Daniel Augenstein
International Crimes and Accountability
Chantal Meloni
International Crimes and Accountability
Florentina Pircher
Emeritus advisory board
Advisory Board
Board ProDesc
Alejandra Ancheita
Writer and activist
Priya Basil
Markus N. Beeko
Reed Brody
Professor of the Sociology of Diversity
Andrea Bührmann
Joshua Castellino
International Network of Civil Liberties and Human Rights Organizations (INCLO)
Gastón Chillier
Secretary General Amnesty International Germany
Julia Duchrow
Founder Human Rights Law Network
Colin Gonsalves
Professor for International Criminal Law
Florian Jeßberger
Wits Law School
Bonita Meyersfeld
Professor for International Law and Human Rights
Manfred Nowak
Jennifer Robinson
Director Right Livelihood Award Foundation
Ole von Uexküll
Executive director CCR
Vince Warren