Cristina Hernandez Hurtado

Business and Human Rights

Cristina Hernandez Hurtado

Cristina Hernandez Hurtado studied law and anthropology at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, and holds a Master of Arts in Geography. As a trainee and then lawyer at the Javeriana Legal Clinic, and a researcher at the Centro de Toledo para la Paz, she focused on land claims, nature rights and environmental cases of indigenous, peasant communities, and protected ecosystems from transitional justice and transnational liability perspectives. During her PhD studies at Universidad de los Andes and later, at Kent University Law School (UK), she analysed the tensions between spatial scales, debt, and ecological connectivities on the Magdalena River wetland struggles. Since October 2024 Cristina works as a Senior Legal Advisor in the Business and Human Rights Program. 

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