ECCHR, together with FIDH and REDRESS, have formally launched a new two-year project to promote investigation and prosecution by EU Member States of cases involving international crimes and to improve victims’ access to justice, protection and support.
This project is part of a longstanding collaborative effort amongst our three organisations to combat impunity for international crimes through recourse to national courts exercising universal or extraterritorial jurisdiction to prosecute crimes committed abroad by foreign perpetrators against foreign victims. In circumstances where neither local authorities nor international courts are able to address such crimes, this often represents the last resort for victims in order to obtain access to justice.
In past years, an increasing number of EU Member States have established dedicated units to investigate and prosecute such cases in order to prevent Europe becoming a safe haven for perpetrators. Now, under the EU Directive on Victims’ Rights, such States are under an obligation to ensure victims affected by such crimes receive appropriate information, support and protection and are able to participate in criminal proceedings.
While EU Member States have taken steps to implement the Directive in their national systems, victims of international crimes continue to face barriers to justice. Their unique situation—often severely traumatised, outside their country of origin and in need of special protection—prevents them from benefiting from the same rights as other categories of victims. This project will increase awareness amongst Member States of these challenges and will identify best practices for addressing them.
The project will involve comparative research, fact-finding missions and consultations with key stakeholders and experts on how EU Member States are implementing the Directive in practice, with a particular focus on the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany and Sweden. It will also further our organisations’ commitment to enhancing cooperation amongst Member States, including through support to institutions such as the EU Genocide Network, national authorities, civil society and victims.
For further information concerning the project, please contact Sarah Finnin, coordinator of the project (
Launch of a new joint project on supporting access to justice for victims of international crimes in Europe
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Wer wir sind
Dem Unrecht das Recht entgegensetzen – das ist das erklärte Ziel und die tägliche Arbeit des European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).
Das ECCHR ist eine gemeinnützige und unabhängige Menschenrechtsorganisation mit Sitz in Berlin. Sie wurde 2007 von Wolfgang Kaleck und weiteren internationalen Jurist*innen gegründet, um die Rechte, die in der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte sowie anderen Menschenrechtsdeklarationen und nationalen Verfassungen garantiert werden, mit juristischen Mitteln durchzusetzen.
Gemeinsam mit Betroffenen und Partner*innen weltweit nutzen wir juristische Mittel, damit die Verantwortlichen für Folter, Kriegsverbrechen, sexualisierte Gewalt, wirtschaftliche Ausbeutung und abgeschottete Grenzen nicht ungestraft davonkommen.
Maria Bause
T: +49 30 69819797
Philipp Jedamzik
T: +49 30 29680591