Policy paper
Entries (30)
Policy paper
Assembly of States Parties 23 - Joint Civil Society Statement
Harmonization of the ICC’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression
Policy paper
Policy Paper Global Initiative Against Impunity
Policy paper
Beyond return, towards repair
Restitution as a matter of constitutional and human rights
Policy paper
Patchwork justice for Syria?
Achievements and blind spots in the struggle for accountability
Policy paper
Confronting systemic human rights violations
Human rights due diligence and state-imposed forced labor under the German Supply Chain Act
Policy paper
Why climate justice is not just about reducing greenhouse gas emissions
An integrative human rights approach to climate justice
Policy paper
German Supply Chain Act: Implementation from below
How to best make use of the Act from the perspective of communities and rights-holders.
Policy paper
Arms and conflict-affected areas in the Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive
Policy paper
Downstream due diligence: Setting the record straight
Policy paper
Repairing the irreparable? Tackling the long-term effects of German colonialism in Germany & Namibia
Policy paper
Organic and “more sustainable”? Textile certifications and suspected forced labor in Xinjiang
Policy paper
Global solutions to global problems: Why EU legislation and a UN instrument on corporate accountability must be complementary
Policy paper
Anti-Slavery International and European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights’ position on import controls to address forced labour in supply chains
Policy paper
The human rights fitness of audits and certifiers: A position paper
Policy paper
Farce majeure: How global apparel brands are using the COVID-19 pandemic to stiff suppliers and abandon workers
Policy paper
Garment supply chains in intensive care? Human rights due diligence in times of (economic) crises
Policy paper
Tackling impunity: Self-empowerment of survivors of international crimes
Policy paper
L’espace de la société civile dans les projets d’énergie renouvelable : Une étude du cas de la communauté Unión Hidalgo au Mexique
Policy paper
Espacio de la sociedad civil en proyectos de energía renovable: Un estudio de caso de la comunidad de Unión Hidalgo en México
Policy paper
Civil society space in renewable energy projects: A case study of the Unión Hidalgo community in Mexico
Policy paper
Unlimited Use of Armed Drones in the Fight against Terrorism in Syria?
Germany Must Oppose the Erosion of International Law
Policy paper
Liability of Social Auditors in the Textile Industry
Policy paper
Litigation on Double Standards in Agribusiness
Policy paper
Litigation (Im)possible? Holding Companies Accountable for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Extractive Industries
Policy paper
OECD-Verfahren zu Überwachungstechnologie und Arbeitsbedingungen in der Textilindustrie Südasiens
Policy paper
Globalisierung der Wirtschaft – Privatisierung der Arbeitskontrollen?
Europa und Deutschland müssen klare Standards für den Umgang mit menschenrechtlichen Risiken in der Lieferkette schaffen
Policy paper
The Responsibility of European Corporations for Human Rights Violations Abroad
To what Extent Does Corporate Due Diligence Extend to Subsidiaries?
Policy paper
A Comparison of National Contact Points – Best Practices in OECD Complaints Procedures
Policy paper
Menschenrechtliche Verantwortung internationaler Unternehmen
Policy paper
Stellungnahme zur strafrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit im Fall Kundus (June 2010)