Ensuring a rights-holder-centred application of the French Duty of Vigilance law
Chloé Bailey,
Cannelle Lavite,
Clara Alibert,
Guillermo Torres
CFFD-Terre Solidaire,
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
The present report analyses the adjudication and application of the French Duty of Vigilance law which establishes an unprecedented binding obligation on the largest French companies to identify and prevent human rights and environmental impacts resulting from their activities and within their supply chains.
Drawing on experiences from the Unión Hidalgo case, brought before French civil courts by members of the Unión Hidalgo community (Mexico) against the energy company Electricité de France for allegedly violating its vigilance obligation, this report gathers reflections and recommendations to contribute to the future content, interpretation, and meaningful enforcement of mandatory human rights due diligence laws beyond France.
The report is also available in French and Spanish.