Annual report

ECCHR 2021 Annual Report

Annual report

In the face of the multiple crises of our time, ECCHR continues to stand resolutely for human rights and climate justice. To outline the scope of our aims, Joshua Castellino, a member of the ECCHR Advisory Board, authored a piece for our Annual Report that clearly emphasizes how we must think collectively about the future. For us, “collectively” means that our actions as human rights lawyers are to be guided by global solidarity and cooperation.

We would be delighted if you could take the time to read our Annual Report to see what we accomplished in 2021 – accomplishments that could only happen with your support.

In her series Contagion – Colour on the Front Line (whose pieces she and the Autograph Gallery allowed us to reproduce in this report), Aida Silvestri uses cocoa, tea, tobacco, sugar and coffee to draw a connection between colonial exploitation and those who were carelessly exposed to danger during the pandemic while providing largely low-paid services with almost no protection.

You can also download the attached world map with all ongoing and closed ECCHR cases.

