Annual report

ECCHR 2020 Annual Report

Annual report

2020 was not an easy year. But still, we at ECCHR can look back not only at the challenges of the past months but also on a series of successes.

As a Berlin-based organization, we made it through the year well with reliable IT infrastructure and the ability to work from home. However, we realized once again that human rights work in other parts of the world is much riskier, more exhausting and grueling – now more than ever. Recognizing these differences and our privileges while still trying to act together in global solidarity has been our guiding principle in 2020. This has not been, and will not be easy in the future.

We appreciate if you find the time to pick up our annual report to discover what we have achieved in 2020 – also thanks to your support.

The works by Guatemalan artist Ixmucané Aguilar, developed in Namibia, guide through this annual report.

