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Between 1976 and 1983, the military dictatorship in Argentina kidnapped, tortured and killed thousands of people. In the early 2000s, many direct perpetrators and high-ranking officials were brought before courts. However, many dictatorship crimes remain unresolved today, especially with respect to cases of corporate involvement in crimes of the military dictatorship. ECCHR has since its establishment been supporting cases examining corporate liability and high-ranking military officials in Argentina. 

The proceedings against managers of Mercedes Benz Argentina, sugar company Ledesma and mining company Minera Aguilar SA show that dictatorship crimes always also have an economic dimension. In those cases, company employees supported Argentine security forces in abducting trade unionists and other staff members. These actions likely amounted to aiding and abetting the crimes of the dictatorship in order to further their own business interests.

ECCHR submitted legal briefs in ongoing proceedings against Mercedes Benz, Ledesma and Minera Aguilar arguing that the Argentine government and judiciary are obliged to hold economic actors liable for their role in human rights abuses committed during the military dictatorship.

Alongside these cases, Wolfgang Kaleck, founder and general secretary of ECCHR, has for many years been involved in litigation in the case of German citizen Elisabeth Käsemann. Käsemann, who had been politically active in the opposition to the Argentine military dictatorship, was kidnapped and tortured in 1977. The exact circumstances of her death have never been properly examined. 

Cases (5)

  • Argentina – Military dictatorship – Sexual and gender-based violence

    Argentine court follows international jurisdiction on sexual violence

  • Argentina – Military dictatorship – Käsemann

    Justice at last: Judgment in the Elisabeth Käsemann case

  • Argentina – Military dictatorship – Mercedes Benz

    Mercedes Benz supported the Argentine military dictatorship

  • Argentina – Military dictatorship – Ledesma

    Involvement of Ledesma sugar company in crimes of Argentine military dictatorship

  • Argentina – Military dictatorship – Minera Aguilar

    Involvement of mining company in crimes of the Argentine military dictatorship